Screen Time & Your Health

Health Tips
Computers, cell phones, tablets, tv’s….they all make up the media that Americans find themselves using for hours on end – all day, every day.  Yet, what is all this screen…

Do You Snore?

Health Tips
Have you been waking up feeling tired?  Do you have trouble concentrating during the day due to fatigue? Does your spouse complain that you are raising the roof with your…

The Art of Napping

Health Tips
It has been found that incorporating a 10-15 minute nap into your afternoon schedule can improve your overall focus and productivity, thus leading to greater happiness and success. An afternoon…

Wake Up Like An Animal

Health Tips
Ever watch your pet wake from a sleep? There is usually a ritual of stretches before they go on their way. Most animals stretch themselves out first to get the…

Choosing the Right Workout Shoe

Health Tips
Athletic footwear is meant to prevent injury and optimize performance. Decades ago, the sports shoe consumer had very few options other than the all-purpose sneaker. Today’s athletes have hundreds of…

Corn Syrup vs High-Fructose Corn Syrup

Health Tips
Americans love food that tastes good and we find that food and drink companies are adding high-fructose corn syrup as a sweetener to enhance flavors. Why are companies choosing this…

Easy Tricks to De-Stress

Health Tips
  The world we live in can be hectic and stressful at times. Leaving you to feel overwhelmed, tense, tired and maybe unable to concentrate. By the time Friday rolls…

For Better Heart Health

Health Tips
February marks the observance of American Heart Month (visit @American Heart). All of us can use this month to become better educated about heart disease and how to prevent it. Did…